Thursday, November 4, 2010

Frame up! by false witness.

Experience have taught me no to believe at first glimpse in any news articles that I read. There are a lot of people who are now in jail who were not guilty for a crime, just because they were being framed up by the false testimony.
We need to be careful when we relay events that involved others. And we need to ask ourselves questions before relaying the events such as:

1. Is this really true?
2. Is that really happened?

In acts 6: 9 – 14 and they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes, and they came upon him and seized him and brought him before the council, and they set up false witnesses who said, “This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law
In acts 6, after giving false witness against Stephen, I believed that the people who were in that congregation doubted and hated the innocent man who was Stephen. Later, after Stephen delivered the truth, he was stoned to death by those same people.
The bible says that God hates people who utter lies. The positive way of stating this is, “God loves the truth and the truth-speaker those utter the truth, which say what really happened, and who don’t add or take away from it but speak the pure truth.”
I have realized that, if I don’t know something to be true or false and if I don’t have all the facts, its probably best just to close our mouth.

I believed that God is faithful and we make it sure that we will not become a false witness, either intentionally or unintentionally. And we make it sure to say what really matters when in doubt is .... Just Keep KEEP QUITE!!

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