Thursday, November 4, 2010

Radical Surgery means intimacy

We must live each day to the fullest. We can't live in the past or in the future. We must live in the moment on what God has given us. Our time of deliverance will come according to God's schedule. Meanwhile, we need to be faithful in doing what God has given us to do and be content in the place where He has placed us.

When we go through a trial of adversity, we need to understand that God is performing radical surgery on our life.

The purpose of this surgery is not to destroy us, but to give us a new heart. God is making a fundamental change in who we are and who we will be.
And, He will always reveal treasures from these secret places if we are willing to walk through the process patiently.

Waiting while building intimate relationship to Him, thats God want you to do. 
(Ecc. 3:1 - time for everything, and a time of every activity under heaven)

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