Thursday, November 25, 2010

Even Devil reads BIBLE

Early morning when I read my bible as my daily devotional, it struck me when I read Luke 4:9-10, because even the devil reads the bible.

What’s really the difference between the followers of Christ and the devil in terms of reading bible.

These are some of the reflections I have.

1. The followers of Christ put every word into actions while the devils not. (Luke 4:4,8)
 The true essence of bible is obedience or personal application. But how often we put it into practice? Is it always or sometimes?

2. We quote the word of God to resist temptation while devil use it to test us.(Luke 4:10)
   We obey the word because it was planted in our hearts. We quote it when temptation comes because it was also planted in our hearts. Memorize and put it in the heart not in the mind. (James 1:23-24)

3. We must know the Bible deeper because the devils knows it also.(Luke 4:10)
   Imagine yourself in the situation where Jesus was in this moment, imagine if you don't know the word of God deeper or you don't read and meditate it? Will you stand still at your ground and resist devil? I don't think so.

That is why most of the time that we indulge in temptation is the time that we don't have enough understanding in what we are reading. This is a challenge for a Christian to really go deeper in their walk with the Lord.


  1. Daniel was here:

    hehehe.. amen.. buti pa si devil always studying the word.. hmmmm

  2. un un dan..:D..great to see you here in my blog..:D..


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