Friday, November 5, 2010

In what hidden kingdom you belong?

Last night of youth reload topics talks about the armor of God which found in Ephesians 6:10-20. It was really refreshing to all of us because everyone is in the conquest(things in life that needs to conquer). One of the lessons I've learned from the preacher was "the armor is made for the warriors and warriors are made for the wars" of course, but this is not about the battle of the flesh but the battle of spirit. Here are some suggestion of the preacher to conquer the worldliness:
  • Conquer the world with Love because the world doesn't have it.
  • Conquer the world with Truth because the world are fall of lies.
  • Conquer the world with the heart to serve because the world have the heart to be serve.
but before taking this all in accounts, we must know first on what Kingdom you belong. 
One of the lessons I've learned was, there was two hidden(unseen but existing) kingdoms. These are 
  • Gods Kingdom - This the will of God prevail. All goodness are being kept and acted.
  • Kingdom of the air - all wickedness or sins reign. 
Pause for a moment and ponder to this question.

  • What unseen kingdom that really reign in me or dominates in me?
It's really hard to be pure but thats what you call conquest.


  1. Hddle sa reload mode jud? hehe. i miss it Cge go! So, It's my turn now. [As if I'm in the circle]

    .: What striked me the most is that the second armor given to us which is the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate is meant to protect the most imprtant organ of the body – our heart. The Scripture tells us to watch over our hearts for out of the heart flows life.

    "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
    -Prov. 4:23 -

    The heart is the seat of our emotions. You get the heart, you get everything.

    "But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet." -1Th. 5:8 -

    What is the basis of our righteousness? It is not our good works but the work Christ did at the cross thus we dont need to boast about our good works but rely on the grace God has given us to do good works. In short, we are made righteous because of what Christ. It reminds us again that Christ has fought the battle for us and all we need to do is yield to Him so that we can experience victory

    "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. " -2Cor. 5:21-

    "..and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith ina Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith." -Phil. 3:9 -

    Furthermore, it is vital to know where Kingdom we belong, or kindom we are building. Aside from saying that we are not part of the kingdom of air but Is it really the kingdom of God?, or the kingdom of SELF? or the kingdom of self clothed in kingdom of God? mmmhh.. Gotta check our hearts with this. Breastplate may be of a help. :-)

    That's all for now kapatds. Best regards to our borthers there and to our leader as well. Love lots. Mwwaahh!
    -M A R T-

  2. thanks for your idea it!i'll send your regards to them...pero wala man koy you soon.

  3. paghimo ug chatboard dire beh. para maka dali rami ug comment even we are not logged in sa blogger account. ibutang sa sidebar. Thanks. hehe

  4. dili ko mart..hehehe...:D..ausan ko kung diri jud ang comment

  5. long process man gud dire kapatads. at least ang mga non members they can simply let you know that they visited. Then conversations like this na off topic sa post can be discussed. dba. hehe Geh na gow! :-)

  6. hahahaha...cge unsaon naku pag add?wala man gud chat box oie...:D

  7. Adto ragud sa akong blog then tanawa sa sidebar akong tramz chatboard den sa ubos sa chatbox naay cbox na word gamay. i click lang. den follow the instructions na pag naa naka sa site. i copy paste lang ang code. gow. Thanks. :-)


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