Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Taming Tongue

Everyone loves to talk and talk and talk and talk.

When I was still in school (high school and college) I really love to talk, I talk with different issues, topics, or even non sense things like jokes. And while talking in front of my classmates and friends they just listened and laughed.

I remember one hot afternoon while having a report in the class, everyone didn't listened (of course except for my teacher), at that time everyone is so busy preparing for there reports and busy of course in TALKING, yeah right!! they don't care about your reports but what they care is to tame the reporters(my) tongue. All they want is to talk and talk and talk. (I'll go deeper with this later, just read.)

James 3:5-6 " Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

ever heard this tag line?? 

"Great things comes from the small beginning"

Yes, your right, it comes from Milo. But what struck me from this tag line was small things will result in big one, as what James 3:5 "the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts".

Every big things comes from small things.
Every big problems comes from small one.
Every big issues comes from small talks.

Remember my story above? my classmates in the class just want a small talks that result for almost half(this is big) of the class failure in the exams. That terrible!!Half for small talks.

Other thing. Gossip. I know that you know Gossip right? it may be part somehow of our daily life routine. 


can we just put it away in our life?but, how?

Heres some HOW how to put it away.

1. Pause. when you pause. then go to number 2

2. Think. think of the possible results for the gossip. (though gossip will not result in good, so don't think!!hahaha), then after, go to number 3.

3. Pray. instead telling it to someone, why just don't tell it to God through prayer. Your'e not just helping the person but you are blessing him/her.

So, when you heard something little about someone that may result to big one better to TAME the TONGUE. 

May you find peace in every obstacle in your life.

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